The way you use the app gives you a constantly changing system rating, based on information from our survey partners, fraud detection systems, and other checks. It’s entirely automated and responds to your unique survey-taking behaviour. Everyone will be different, but there are some general things we recommend to avoid your system rating falling too low:

  • Don’t take too many surveys

We know this sounds silly but the task matches you’ll see at the top of the page are those with the greatest chance of success. As you work through tasks, we’ll load new ones in, but the matches will become weaker with a greater chance of being screened out. Too many screen-outs in a short space of time will negatively affect your rating.

  • Do take time with your answers

Rushing through surveys increases your chance of making mistakes and poor quality answers can have a big impact on your rating. Our survey partners do not pay points for surveys submitted with inaccurate or inconsistent responses. So please take your time and answer carefully and truthfully to maximise your earnings potential. We know that it’s tempting, but racing through won’t help you earn more money in the long run.

  • Do take a break

Thousands of tasks move through the app every day. So, if you get the feeling you’ve answered the good stuff already, just take a break and come back in a couple of hours. There will likely be a new selection of good matches that give you the best possible points for your time.

Try your best to stick to the guidance above. Slow and steady is the best way to maximise your earnings for time spent in the app!

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